Uninstall Guide x Office Products using Microsoft's Control Panel

How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Products Using the Get Help Tool


Before installing a new Office package, it is essential to uninstall any previous versions of Office from your computer. You can use the GET HELP tool on the Microsoft website to complete the uninstallation. Follow these steps:

Open your web browser and navigate to Microsoft Site. In the upper right corner, click on the search icon (magnifying glass), and type Uninstall Office, and make Enter.

1. In the search results, click on Uninstall Office from a PC


2. Scroll down and click on the Uninstall button

3. A pop-up window will appear; click on the Open Get Help button

4. Wait a few moments while the Get Help App opens on your PC

5. In the Get Help App, scroll down to the question, "Do we have your consent to run this troubleshooter to uninstall Microsoft 365 or Office?"

6. Click on YES

7. On the same screen, a banner will display Uninstalling, please wait for a moment

8. A command prompt window will open; wait a couple of minutes

9. In the web browser window, click YES to approve the removal of Office and its components from your computer

10. and 11. Wait a few more minutes, then close the window. On your desktop, click the Start Menu button, then select Restart to reboot your computer

12. After Windows restarts, click the Start Menu button and check that all Office apps have disappeared from the menu

Congratulations! You have successfully uninstalled Microsoft Office Apps from your computer.

If you encounter any issues during the uninstallation process, please contact us. Use our contact form and include a screenshot of any error messages. We are happy to assist you.

Your Keys.Express Team

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